Monday, July 26, 2010

the new typographer.

i have decided that i want to pursue a career in typographic design. yes, i want to do graphics and all that good stuff, but i want my emphasis to be in typography. i want to be a complete font nerd (moreso than i currently am). i want to create my own fonts, i'm assembling even more ideas for decorating my room, which i posted to my design blog a few minutes ago. it's going to be tedious but such delightful work i am so excited. i'm to design a font which screams ME. it's going to be sarcastic, a control-freak, and pretty gangster.

i finally have 2 days off in a row now, aka a set schedule, so i can get things like decorating and designing accomplished. i have no problem getting hyped about this stuff, it's getting motivated enough to do it that i'm promising myself i'm going to do. here comes a lot of research, staring at my computer screen, and obsessing over line weights and curvatures.

i'm stoked.

a little home decor.

ok, so i am halfway moved into my new place and i have decided to decorate using a very minimalist, linear theme with paint, lines and artwork that i am going to do myself. knowing me, all of the art going directly on the wall will be typographic- meaning that i need to figure out what text i'm going to use. inspirational? sarcastic? hopefully both. i want my space to be 100% ME. here are some themes i'm thinking of:

thoughts? either way i'm going to do it so i guess it doesn't really matter what anyone thinks or says. i want to try a more illustrative approach as well, maybe incorporating a little pointalism into my type. i bought several pieces of canvas as well to get started on the wall pieces, which are going to be more organic as opposed to the rigid and linear art being painted directly on my wall. hopefully joe will help me, seeing as he has an eye as well for this kind of interior design. i'm going to try and be done with everything by mid august, seeing as i'm still in the process of moving in! pictures posted as soon as they're available. :)