Thursday, May 7, 2009


besides my childhood, there are not very many points in my life where i would go back and actually relive over again. there are times that are enjoyable and times that are pure ecstasy. as busy as i am right now, it's more of a realistic type of busy- the kind that i'll actually face in reality. nothing like the 'busy' that i knew in 2008. that was the kind of busy where i went o bed around 2am every night, only to wake up at 4 to work out for 2 hours. after a full day of classes i'd go to my second workout and then do homework until midnight with meals at 7eleven smashed somewhere in there. my body knew nothing of rest or relaxation. i felt like i was on crack for months at a time, only i never got to pass out for 5 days straight.

my apartment was bliss, although i was never there. if i had the chance to go home, i would. my roommates were 2 of my best friends- we respected each other, although you could never tell by how we talked to each other. we were invincible. for the majority of our lease, our apartment was surrounded by scaffolding and what appeared to be a giant condom of fireproof tarping. we would sit outside on the scaffolding laughing, drinking, photoshooting and talking about life. some of the deepest conversations i've ever had were on our porch staring through a whole i had knifed out so we could see the outside world- although they couldn't see us. and contrary to my appreciation of being the center of attention, i simply revelled in the fact that i was untouchable by any one who stood three stories down -although we peered through that whole several times to drunkenly call people waiting for the bus up to hang out with us.

the 3 of us, in D303. we went through similar situations at the same time, and ultimately grew so pissed off we trashed our entire apartment. we ripped papers off the walls and off of our coffee table, and destroyed the coffee table itself while we were at it. if anything covered a surface, we violently hurled it onto the floor. our entire living room was overturned when we stepped back and ordered take-out. so liberating, no boundaries and no worries. literally, we had no worries. a stray cigarette started a fire in the bushes below after we all passed out so we poured water off the balcony 6 hours later, someone sprayed tahitian breeze body wash all over our white couch so we doused it in bleach in our drunken state, they apartment manager sent a maintenance man who was challenged to the point no one could understand him, the fire alarm would go off every time we boiled water without fail, most of our furniture was found in the dumpster, walls covered in newspaper, meals consisted of bagels and cream cheese and mac and cheese- one pot each- which was still fought over, and the rest of the time we were blacked out.

i am convinced i will never have another experience like that. how can i? let me know if there is an apartment complex with a D303 and i'm there. if we're friends on facebook, look at my 'get stuck on my elevator' album. it's gold.

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